United States dollar / South African rand (USD/ZAR)
October 2009 Exchange Rates

Rates Table by Day

Day Rate Set date
1 October7.700601.10.2009
2 October7.639402.10.2009
5 October7.474905.10.2009
6 October7.428506.10.2009
7 October7.398707.10.2009
8 October7.335408.10.2009
9 October7.403409.10.2009
12 October7.331312.10.2009
13 October7.326113.10.2009
14 October7.237614.10.2009
15 October7.268215.10.2009
16 October7.348416.10.2009
19 October7.310819.10.2009
20 October7.387720.10.2009
21 October7.417021.10.2009
22 October7.411222.10.2009
23 October7.462123.10.2009
26 October7.586026.10.2009
27 October7.665927.10.2009
28 October7.842828.10.2009
29 October7.738129.10.2009
30 October7.816930.10.2009

Exchange rate chart
october 2009

Exchange rates 🗓️ 2009

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